
Weott - Leatherwood Bar

Avenue of the Giants
Weott, California 95554
Southern Humboldt

Across from Founder's Grove, Leatherwood Bar is another great place with access to the Eel River.  There's plenty of room and it gets quite a bit of sunshine making it a nice area to throw out a blanket, relax, swim and chill out.
How to get there:
Leatherwood Bar is slightly less than twelve miles south from the northern entrance to Avenue of the Giants and 18 miles north of the southern entrance; just a few miles north of the Visitor Center and directly across from Founder's Grove.
More info:
During the summer, bring some sun screen and a beach umbrella as it can get hot and there is not much shade.
Other things to do in the area:
The Big Trees Area is just down Mattole Road and offers some spectacular trees and walking trails.  Make sure to stop at the Dyerville Overlook for a different perspective of the view from Leatherwood Bar.
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