
Weott - Big Trees Area

Mattole Road
Weott, California 95571
Southern Humboldt
Phone: 707-946-2263

While technically not in Avenue of the Giants (ok, it's not) and located in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, the Big Trees Area is just a quick detour from the Avenue and worth the drive.  This popular destination is where you can find the Giant Tree which at one time was considered to be the largest coast redwood in the world.  However, the Giant Tree is not the only attraction here.  Visitors should take their time and walk around the grove; it's quite impressive and peaceful. 
While you're there, be sure to visit Tall Tree which at one time was known to be the tallest redwood tree in the world.  From the parking lot, head west (facing Bull Creek, turn right) and you'll see the trail head on the edge of the parking lot.  It's a short walk to the tree. 

How to get there:
From Highway 101, take the Honeydew exit west.  The park will be on your left about 4 miles down the road.  From the parking lot, use the bridge to cross Bull Creek which will lead you into the grove.  The bridge is right next to a fallen redwood which also crosses the creek.
More info:
On a hot summer day, playing in the water of Bull Creek is a nice way to cool off.  There are plenty of places to have a picnic so bring some food and make a day of it. 
Other things to do in the area:
If you're feeling adventurous, head out to Petrolia and make the beautiful hike to the Punta Gorda Lighthouse.  The Immortal Tree is a really cool stop along the Avenue as is the Shrine Drive Thru Tree. The Bull Creek Trail is also a great trail that will take you through some amazing trees.
*Click on the photos below to enlarge them

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